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Change mouse cursor hover on a web element

On some blog/web, when administrator want some parts of his contents be noticed. Instead of highlighting them, we have a tip. When the users hover their mouse on a element, they will see a strange cursor which you've chosen.

  • In html editor, determine the elements you want to change their hover cursor. Eg: div, span, image tag, input controls, . . .

  • Add a simple CSS style element for them like this:

<div style="cursor: CURSOR_TYPE_HERE;">...</div>

Here some cursor type value: 

  • auto: Default. The browser sets a cursor

  • crosshair: The cursor render as a crosshair

  • default: The default cursor

  • e-resize: The cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved right (east)

  • help: The cursor indicates that help is available

  • text: The cursor indicates text

  • wait: The cursor indicates that the program is busy

  • url(IMAGE_URL.gif),auto: A comma separated of URLs to custom cursors. Note: Always specify a generic cursor at the end of the list, in case none of the URL-defined cursors can be used

  • and more here


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