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Disable DataGridView control automatically generate columns

In WinForm programming, when you use a DataGridView to display your data from a data source, you might see a problem: You've only specified the columns which should be display. But the gridview isn't only display that columns but also display others.

The reason: Your data source contains many data fields. Although you've created for it some need columns, the gridview will display all of them for users through a funtions called AutoGenerateColumn.

How to resolve this: It's easily. You just need disabling AutoGenerateColumn function:

  • Specify the columns which you want to display it for users. Of course, you must set Header text and DataPropertyName for them.

  • Browse your form code, go to where you set data source for the grid view. Put below code before that set data source code line (like: YOUR_GRIDVIEW_NAME.DataSource = YOUR_DATA_TABLE;):

[csharp]YOUR_GRIDVIEW_NAME.AutoGenerateColumns = false;[/csharp]
That's all.
Wish succeed!


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