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Insert Google Search box into blog/website

Normally, every  blog/website has a search function which supports everyone to easily browse the site contents. But it maybe not really useful and effective. Then Google Custom Search is a brilliant choice for you. How to get it?

    • Then choose a template for your search engine and Next.

    • Finally, copy the generated code.

  • Go to your site html template. Determine where you want to display the Google Search box, eg: header, left or right sidebar, ... Then, you just need to paste this copied code in the determined location and save the template.

That's all.

Wish succeed!


  1. In wordpress website, you may want to replace default search form with Google Custom search box.
    Sign in as administrator. Choose Appearent > Editor and replace the old code in Search Form (searchform.php) with your Google Custom search code.

  2. Thank for that! :)

  3. You're on top of the game. Thanks for sharnig.

  4. At last! Soomnee with real expertise gives us the answer. Thanks!


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