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Create new user for Microsoft SQL Server database

With Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in default, you can use Windows account or default SQL Server administrator account to connect your computer database engine and manage databases. However, if you want to share a database with any people via network connection (LAN or Internet), you shouldn't share the default account information with them. Then, you need to create a new user for your database and share it.

  • Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect the database engine by a default administrator account. Browse to Security > Logins on the left panel. Right click on Logins folder, choose New Login

  • Creating new user account on opened New Login windows:

    • In General page: input your new account name and password. Select the Default database which you want to share. You may also check in Enforce password expiration and User must to change password at next login for security reason.

    • Important: In User Mapping page: on Users mapped to this login gridview, check in the database which you allow the new account to manage. Then choose an database role for the new account. Public or db_owner role is recommended.

That's all. Now try to login and share your database with your friends.
Wish succeed! Video version here:


  1. Hey, thank you Polo!I realized that from time to time you may face this kind of small issue and stulggre for hours to get a fix So, I'm glad if I can help :) This is what Dukeo is about after all: helping and giving back to the community!


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