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Youtube hidden symbol key codes collection

If you are an Youtube uploader, you could want to have good title and description for your videos so that they will be featured. To make they more special, you can use some hidden symbols of Youtube. Here is our collection for you:
Youtube hidden symbol key codes collection
1 11 21 § 31
2 12 22 127
3 13 23 128 Ç
4 14 24 129 ü
5 15 25 156 £
6 16 26 157 ¥
7 17 27 167 º
8 18 28 168 ¿
9 19 29 169
10 20 30 170 ¬
171 ½ 182 192 202
172 ¼ 183 193 203
174 « 184 194 204
175 » 185 195 205
176 186 196 206
177 187 197 207
178 188 198 208
179 189 199 209
180 190 200
181 191 201 Updating…

How to use?

  • Press and hold Alt key 
  • Then on your Num Lock, press above number in Youtube title or description.
Wish succeed!
Video tutorial here:


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